lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020


'NASRALLAH Y HEZBOLLAH (su partido terrorista), esperaba que la explosión que ocurrió en  Beirut el 04.08.20, ocurriría en Haifa (puerto industrial al norte de Israel) cuando los misiles de  construidos con nitrato de amonio cayeran sobre ella para destruirla'.

Escrito por el Rabino Lazer Brody


Debido a la preocupación por el Coronavirus, la explosión en Beirut el martes 4 de agosto de 2020 recibió mucha menos atención de la que merecía. Claro, el mundo miró a la con un estilo superficial del siglo XXI, pero no entendió las ramificaciones de la explosión, que son mucho más importantes para Israel y el pueblo judío que el coronavirus.

Si bien el coronavirus es una pandemia, la explosión de Beirut no se planeó para Beirut. Se planeó que fuera un holocausto de Hiroshima para arrasar la ciudad de Haifa, toda el área de la bahía de Haifa y matar a un millón de judíos, Dios no lo quiera. Hashem lo impidió tal como el rey David dijo que lo haría.

El rey David escribió en el Salmo 7:16 'que nuestro enemigo cava un hoyo pero él mismo cae en él' y eso es exactamente lo que hicieron Nasrallah y Hezbollah.

Permítanme enfatizar que el pueblo libanés no es nuestro enemigo. Nasrallahh y Hezbollahh lo son. Almacenaron toneladas de nitrato de amonio altamente volátil ilegalmente en el puerto de Beirut, a pesar de las negativas de Nasrallah. El corrupto gobierno libanés, que Hezbolá controla por la fuerza, el chantaje y los sobornos, lo sabía todo pero no hizo nada.

Otros sectores de la población del Líbano, como los cristianos, los drusos y muchos musulmanes sunitas, sufren la tiranía de Hezbollah y la falta de protección de su gobierno castrado. La prueba es que a Hezbollah no le importaba en absoluto la amenaza a la seguridad de la población de Beirut.

Sin embargo, lo que los medios liberales occidentales no le dicen es que el nitrato de amonio estaba destinado a convertirse en el sobrealimentador de las ojivas de misiles de Hezbolá, decenas de miles de ellas, que convierten los cohetes convencionales en amenazas cuasi nucleares como vimos en la nube de vapor en forma de hongo. que surgió de la explosión en el puerto de Beirut, parecía un mini Hiroshima.

Aquí hay un poco de historia que los medios progresistas tampoco te contarán. Hezbollah se convirtió en un especialista mundial en el desarrollo de dispositivos explosivos y potenciadores de armas mediante el uso de nitrato de amonio. El nitrato de amonio fue el material explosivo utilizado en las bombas al borde de las carreteras que hirieron y mataron a tantos soldados israelíes entre la Primera y la Segunda Guerra del Líbano.

Hezbollah exportó este conocimiento siniestro a sus homólogos afganos, los talibanes, a través de Irán. Según fuentes de inteligencia, la Guardia Revolucionaria de Irán (IRG) ha estado activa entre los terroristas talibanes que se oponen al gobierno afgano. De hecho, los mismos asesores militares del IRG iraní que trabajan con Hezbollah también han trabajado como asesores de los talibanes.

Now hear this, America: The same roadside ammonium-nitrate based bombs that wounded and killed so many Israeli soldiers are the culprits that maimed and killed so many American soldiers in Afghanistan.

When you put the puzzle together, it all connects to Iran.

This massive 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, which is 6 million pounds, had been sitting in Hangar 12 of the Port of Beirut, stockpiled by Hezbollah as the secret weapon to implement another Holocaust that Nasrallah and Khomeini had planned for the Jewish People.

In 2016, with a nasty smirk on his face, Nasrallah promised that a "nuclear explosion" just might detonate in Israel in the near future. Ever since, he and the IRG have been promising that Israel's demise is near. 

While the blast on Tuesday was "accidental", the damage would have been megatimes greater if but a few kilograms of ammonium nitrate were placed at the tips of 150,000 Hezbollah warheads fired with deadly precision all over Israel, Such a supercharger on a warhead makes it tens of times more devastating, depending on the rocket and its payload capacity.

Israel knew all about the stockpile. The Mossad even tipped off Britain's MI5 recently about 3 tons of the deadly material the Hezbollah stockpiled in the UK, where they were planning a hit similar to their devastating terror attack in Burgas, Bulgaria in July of 2012, when a Hezbollah suicide bomber blew up a bus carrying 42 Israeli tourists. The same was being planned for Golder's Green or Stamford Hill.

Israel cares more about Beirut's citizens than Hezbollah and Iran do - much more.

Contrary to the attempts to pin the blame on Israel, it is easy to prove that Israel had nothing to do with the blast. Hezbollah stockpiled the ammonium nitrate in warehouses that held shipments of Iranian missiles that Hezbollah was also stockpiling.

But Israel goes deep inside Syria and Shiite-controlled portions of Iraq to prevent weapons transfers to Hezbollah in Lebanon by ground routes. Israel's Navy also monitors Beirut Port to prevent weapons shipments by sea. In fact, as soon as Israel discovers missile shipments and stockpiles intended for Hezbollah – no matter where they are, in Syria, in Lebanon or in Iraq – Israel attacks and blows them up. There is, however, one exception – the Port of Beirut.

Israel could have easily blown up the weapons stockpiles in the Port of Beirut, but refrained from doing so, despite the terrible threat to its citizens, because Israel knew that the stockpiles stored next to them would also blow up, causing devastation to a civilian population.

Israel cared about preventing damage to the people of Beirut whereas Nasrallah, Hezbollah, Iran and Khomeini could not have cared less. The arch-terrorist criminal Nasrallah connived that if he stockpiled his weapons where the ammonium nitrate was, they'd be safe from Israel. He was right; he knows that Israel risks its own soldiers to avoid damage to civilian populations of enemy countries. The reason Israel doesn't destroy all of Hezbollah's weapons depots in Beirut Port and in South Lebanon is because they're all in the midst of the civilian population, not just in warehouses but in mosques and hospitals.

But Nasrallah was wrong about something else – he didn't take God's Hand guiding historical events into account. No matter what the human or natural cause of the ignition is found to be, the timing and placement of the event that destroyed Hezbollah's doomsday weapon of ammonium nitrate and ignited the fire in Beirut Port is the result of the Hand of God. It is no less than a miracle. Even more telling, while less than 160 people were killed in the blast, which is sad enough, actually the number of fatalities should have been a hundred times greater.

*This article is not conventional news, but faith-based news*. The purpose is not to present the news, to discuss politics or to analyze military strategy and scenarios. The purpose is to show that when and where the blast occurred means that Hashem is acting for us without our knowledge.

In Psalm 117, King David calls upon all nations, including our enemies, to praise Hashem, because His mercy on the Jewish People is so great. This really sounds weird at face value: why should Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran praise Hashem for His mercy on the Jews, when their hate for us knows no bounds? The answer is simple – only they know what they have been planning for us and only they know the extent to which Hashem has spoiled their plans.

The least we can do – every Jew or peace-loving human whoever you are and wherever you are – is to thank Hashem, from morning until night. We can never take for granted every new day when the sun shines on is. Thank You, Hashem. G-d bless and warmest regards from the Land of Israel.


Rabbi Lazer Brody was born in Washington, D.C and is a graduate of the U. of Maryland in agriculture. He moved to Israel in 1970 and joined the IDF, where he spent 19 years in regular and reserve combat service before becoming a military chaplain until his discharge after 29 years of service. He was ordained as a rabbi by Rabbi Noach Weinberg of Aish HaTora in Jerusalem and others. Author of 3 Words of Emuna", "Old Isaac's Trail to Tranquility", "The Path to Your Peak," "Worry Worm" and Nafshi Tidom"sobre cómo lidiar con el abuso verbal, es un orador inspirador y motivador muy solicitado para audiencias de todos los orígenes, tanto en Israel como en el extranjero, así como un guía espiritual y entrenador de vida de renombre y un entrenador físico personal certificado, entrenador de salud y nutricionista holístico con un enfoque clásico basado en Rambam. Su galardonado podcast de la revista web diaria " Emuna Beams " en, es un faro de emuna, ánimo y salud cuerpo-alma que personas de todo el mundo disfrutan a diario.


Recibe un cordial SHALOM de  fundador y director de Shalom-Sefarad y de la Red Mundial de los "Huesos Secos" (los "Marranos", los Cripto-Judíos y los Anusim Sefarditas) con base en Toldot ('generaciones')/Toledo, Sefarad/España de acuerdo al profeta Abdías 20,21.                                                                  *Tel.:* +34.659.682031

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